Green Vibrance
Green Vibrance – Version 14.1
Green Vibrance is a C3 Product. To learn more about C3 Click Here
An award winning Green Super food!
Human vitality can be described as the combined vitality – what we call “Vibrance” — of each cell in the body. Green Vibrance provides trace nutrients that should help each cell to function at peak efficiency. When we push each cell toward peak efficiency through diet and supplementation, the result may be increased energy and endurance, greater clarity of thought, more robust immunity, and a general shift in all bodily functions toward the ideal.

Green Vibrance taken daily drives us toward these goals by addressing some very basic and essential biological requirements.
1.) A healthy, efficient gastrointestinal tract.
2.) Sufficient quantities of a complete group of healthful nutrients, and
3.) Nutrients delivery to all cells of the body, even those at the periphery of the capillaries’ reach.
Under these influences, optimal health can be achieved, manifested by a strong immune system, sustained energy production, and systems that run smoothly and cleanly.
A nutritional formula should have a well-defined purpose in order to deliver true value to the consumer, and delivering true value is the goal of Vibrant Health. A formula’s components should be present at potencies that will achieve the stated goal.
The Green Vibrance formula grows from the concepts that:
1.The modern diet fails to supply enough micronutrients to support optimal health
2.The ancient biochemistry inside us, which hasn’t changed in 40,000 years, expects to be fed high nutrient density with each calorie of food ingested
3.The body can heal itself if given proper nutritional support
Green Vibrance is designed as a concentrated, nutrient-dense food from vegetable sources that is meant to:
Support a healthy digestive tract, thereby improving nutrient absorption;
Deliver trace nutrients at Paleolithic concentrations (far higher than found in modern diets);
Improve circulation and cardiovascular health in order to deliver those nutrients to every cell of the body;*
Support a vigorous and efficient immune system;
Support directly or indirectly the other body systems (i.e. musculoskeletal, neurological, integumentary (skin), respiratory, urinary, endocrine, cardiovascular/circulatory, digestive, reproductive and immune)
Nutrient Density
Nutrient density refers to the ratio of micro- nutrients (i.e. vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, etc.) to macro-nutients (i.e. protein, fat and carbohydrate). Relative to the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate in the foods we eat today, our ancestors commonly received far greater amounts of micro- nutrients. Human biochemistry adapted to that ancient food supply with its greater nutrient density. It is that same, ancient biochemistry that attempts to run us today.
But today something is missing. Indeed, statistics compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, World Health Organization (WHO) and regulatory agencies in countries around the globe, verify a precipitous drop in nutrient density within our common food supply in just the last forty years. The loss of trace nutrients is so great as to remove any argument that dietary supplementation may be optional. We firmly believe supplementation is mandatory in order to achieve optimal health.
Green food supplements, if properly formulated, can provide astounding nutrient density. They can, in effect, return our dietary intake of micro- nutrients to something more closely approximating the richness of our ancestral, Paleolithic diet.
Nutrients in their natural state are highly bioavailable. Green Vibrance delivers a multitude of nutrients that can be used by each cell to support efficient cellular metabolism, and maintain health.
The Benefits
There are a lot of ingredients in Green Vibrance: 74 in all. They were put together with care, in order to maximize the synergism among nutrients. The result delivers healthful nutritional support to the 11 body systems. Enjoy:
More complete nutrition; a host of rare, scarce nutrients.
Support for digestion and gastrointestinal function*
Support for healthy circulation*
More energy*
Support for clearance of waste products of metabolism, detoxification*
Support for neurological health*
Support for cardiovascular function*
Support for normal blood sugar and cholesterol*
Support for immunity*
Resistance to oxidative changes associated with aging*
And some consumers swear they look younger
Who can use Green Vibrance?
In a word: EVERYONE!
•Anyone pursuing optimal health
•Menopausal and post-menopausal women
•Business Professionals
•Adults and Seniors
•Pregnant and lactating women
Concentrated Nutrition
The ingredients in Green Vibrance were selected to support essential bodily functions without which life cannot be sustained. Cereal grass powders and juices (i.e. Certified organic, barley, oat, wheat, and Kamut) deliver virtually all known nutrients and several uncharacterized co-nutrients of great value. For example, cereal grasses contain a hidden “growth factor” that causes young animals to more rapidly develop, growing larger, stronger, and healthier with robust immune systems. Those same cereal grasses allow mature animals (and undoubtedly humans) to repair bodily tissues more quickly. Organic alfalfa sprouts, organic broccoli sprouts, organic spirulina, soft-cell chlorella, stabilized rice bran, organic beet juice, organic parsley, organic spinach, organic carrot, green bean, zucchini, and three sea vegetables enrich the nutrient density and diversity as the primary food ingredients in Green Vibrance.
Probiotics & Enzymes
Our industry leading, dose of 25 billion friendly probiotics from 12 strains in each serving of Green Vibrance bolsters the one system that must function well first and foremost above all others if health is to be improved or optimized. One must be able to digest food and transport nutrients into the body from the gastrointestinal tract before health can be sustained. The 12 strains of probiotics in Green Vibrance help assure a healthy G.I. tract by building and maintaining colonies of robust intestinal flora throughout the intestinal tract. The strains in Green Vibrance help break down proteins for easy assimilation, help transport minerals and B-vitamins across the intestinal mucosa, synthesize several B-vitamins, help maintain healthy cholesterol, and create an unfriendly (acidic) environment for unfriendly bacteria and yeast (Candida). Natural antibiotic substances made by some of the probiotics can reduce the number of unhealthful microbes in the gut.* Their action is supported by both fructo-oligosaccharides and FiberAid™ arabinogalactans. Each of these prebiotics plays a role in reducing the number of “bad” bacteria and their colonies by feeding and boosting the number of beneficial bacteria.*
Most strains used in Green Vibrance are derived from the human gastrointestinal tract, and then cultivated in a contaminant free production laboratory. One is from a plant source (L. plantarum), and four others were isolated from cow’s milk and cheese (L. helveticus, L. lactis, S. thermophilus, & P. shermanii). The “human” strains originally came from the soil and water in the ancient environment, inoculating the human digestive tract and entering into a symbiotic relationship with us many millennia ago. Indeed, each person on Earth harbors different ratios of probiotic bacteria – and quite often a few different strains – in his or her intestines. The differences reflect the parental lineage and home environment of each of us. We all “picked up” various strains at various times from mother’s milk, and from dirty hands or toys we may have put in our mouths during outside play. Even an apple picked up off the ground, lightly buffed on a shirt, and then eaten can deliver a specific strain or two of probiotic (and possibly pathogenic) bacteria to the gut.
Every food contains the three macro-nutrients, protein, fat and carbohydrate. Green Vibrance is no exception. Whole foods contain enzymes in their natural state that can help dismantle food to release nutrients when eaten. We can expect to find some of these enzymes in Green Vibrance. Yet even though it is made up of gently processed, certified organic and natural foods, we recognize that some of the natural enzyme content has been lost simply by changing fresh, whole foods into powders. We have, therefore, added a quantity of plant and fungal enzymes as a corrective measure to restore enzymes lost during processing of the plant materials that make up Green Vibrance.
Beginning with version 13.0, the amount of enzymes in Green Vibrance has been increased beyond what is strictly needed to replace those lost due to processing. This new, more powerful quantity of added enzymes is to assure that the concentrated nutrition in the product is efficiently absorbed.
Our less active lifestyles result in a calorie intake that is lower than that of our Paleolithic ancestors. Our calories carry fewer micronutrients than theirs did in the past. As a consequence, we run the risk of failing to take in enough micronutrition to support optimum health. The extra enzymes supplied in Green Vibrance will aid digestion and increase the amount of nutrients absorbed, helping compensate for our commonly less nutritious diets of today.
Supporting Cast
Chlorophyll from green foods in Green Vibrance further supports the action of the probiotics. Apple fiber from our certified organic whole apple powder plus lecithin help support elimination of heavy metals, cholesterol and toxins from the intestinal tract before they can be absorbed. To a lesser degree, they can perform similar tasks in the circulating blood itself.
Cell membranes are made up primarily of a double layer of phospholipids (i.e. phosphorus containing fats.) Lecithin is 97 to 98% phospholipids, the remaining percentages being water and mineral ash. Lecithin, therefore, supplies major structural components to every cell membrane in the human body. You can’t keep your cells together or functioning without them.
Dr. Richard Wurtman, at M.I.T. demonstrated how just 35 mg. of phosphatidyl choline each day could improve intelligence and cognitive function. The 700 mg of sunflower lecithin in one serving of Green Vibrance delivers approximately 160 milligrams of phosphatidyl choline, 4.6 times the dosage Wurtman found to improve cognition. The great depth of research on lecithin shows how it is not only critical to brain function, but also helps maintain the myelin sheath protecting and insulating nerves. Lecithin additionally mobilizes cholesterol for use in hormone synthesis and for removal from the body.
The functions of lecithin are basic, foundational functions critical to human survival. For that reason, Green Vibrance contains lecithin. It is difficult to build a house of good health on a flawed foundation where nerves misfire, circulation is inadequate, and cell membranes are stiff and crippled in their ability to function because lecithin is undersupplied.
Liver Support
Over eons of time, the liver became quite adept at denaturing, destroying and getting rid of unnecessary substances in everyday foods. Keep in mind that 40% of a plain old carrot is unneeded, toxic material. Your liver has no trouble handling that. But when it comes to detoxifying some of the modern chemicals which are absorbed by, and circulate through, your body, we believe the liver needs a little help. That is why we’ve added liver support ingredients.
Oxidation, Incineration, Quenching
Human metabolism is built on oxidation, which both keeps us alive and slowly pushes us toward the grave. The quiet damage to cells caused by necessary cellular oxidation is recognized as the degenerative changes of aging. Oxidative damage to cells defines aging. Oxidative damage is involved, too, in the progression of every known degenerative disease such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes and others. Certainly one’s personal genetic code and lifestyle also contribute.
Aging and degenerative disease are ubiquitous — we all will encounter them in time. Nutritive antioxidants may diminish the severity and slow the speed of aging and degeneration.* Each serving of Green Vibrance delivers a powerful 1,203 mg of herbal antioxidants in addition to the beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants naturally present from the plant components of the formula. These antioxidants, plus lecithin, soluble fibers, policosanol and other ingredients help support cardiovascular health.* A strong heart and clear arteries are essential to delivering nutrients to and removing waste from every cell in the body. In fact, Ginkgo biloba extract, grape seed extract, green tea extract pomegranate extract, and Silymarin (milk thistle) extract are all known to improve peripheral circulation.
The immune support delivered by Green Vibrance is found in its content of the beta-glucans, ResistAid™ arabinogalactans, and Astragalus extract.* But let us not lose sight of the immune enhancing effect of a healthy digestive tract. 50% or more of your own immune cells are found there. Well nourished, vibrant cells, amply protected by the army of antioxidants in Green Vibrance, are themselves resistant to disease.*
Bone Health
Green Vibrance has always supported good skeletal health, undoubtedly due to its alkalinizing nature, and bioavailable boron and plant calcium. CalZbone® extract of Cissus quadrangularis supports osteoblastic (bone building) activity while inhibiting osteoclastic (bone destroying) activity. The 2,000 i.u. of vitamin D in Green Vibrance further support bone health (and immunity). Our special vitamin D is made by combining D3 with organic sunflower oil and organic alfalfa grass only. There are no starches or sugar or artificial ingredients used in its composition.
The total Green Vibrance formula was designed and balanced to help establish and sustain good health.
Therefore, Green Vibrance:
1. Helps improve a sub-par digestive tract or strengthen and maintain one that is already operating efficiently.
Ingredients that deliver this benefit are:
25 billion probiotic bacteria (inhibit “bad” bacteria and yeast; aids digestion and nutrient absorption)*
Chlorophyll from cereal grass juices and algae (sterilizes & heals intestinal lesions)
Stabilized brown rice bran (nutrient dense high fiber food; provides both bulk and healthful nutrients)
Certified organic whole apple powder, providing free radical scavenging, trace nutrients and apple pectin (supports detoxification)*
Fructo-oligosaccharides (feeds probiotics)*
Certified organic de-oiled Flax seed concentrate (provides mucilage that removes waste and stimulates cell growth of intestinal lining)*
Larch arabinogalactans (an effective prebiotic; increases total beneficial gut microflora while shrinking populations of harmful bacteria)*
2. Provides a host of trace nutrients from nutrient-dense, organically grown, concentrated whole foods.
They are:
Certified organic Barley grass juice powder
Certified organic Oat grass juice powder
Certified organic Kamut grass juice powder
Certified organic Wheat grass juice powder
Certified organic Spirulina powder
Chlorella (soft cell, pharmaceutical grade) (Korea)
Stabilized Brown Rice bran
Certified organic Beet juice powder
Certified organic, de-oiled Flax seed concentrate
Certified organic Acerola berry juice powder (25% natural vitamin C)
Certified organic Parsley
Certified organic Carrot root powder
Certified organic Spinach
Certified organic Alfalfa sprout powder
Certified organic Broccoli sprout powder
Freeze dried Green Bean powder
Freeze dried Zucchini powder
Certified organic Kelp (sea vegetable)
Certified organic Rockweed (sea vegetable)
Certified organic Alaria (sea vegetable)
3. Improves circulation to assure that the benefits of improved digestion and all trace nutrients are actually delivered to each cell of the body.*
Ingredients that aid circulation are:
Sunflower Lecithin powder*
Vitamin E*
Silymarin standardized extract*
Ginkgo biloba standardized extract*
Green tea catechins standardized extract*
Grape seed standardized OPC extract*
Pomegranate extract (40% ellagic acid)*
4. Supports efficient immunity both as a result of 1.), 2.) & 3.) above (because healthier cells generate more energy and cells of the immune system are more vigorous, and as a result of specific ingredients known to support active immune cells.*
They are:
Elutherecoccus senticossus standardized extract
Suma extract
Astragalus membranaceus standardized extract
Schizandra berry extract, 2% schizandrin
Vitamin E
FiberAid arabinogalactan
ResistAid arabinogalactan
Beta-1,3-1,6 glucans
5. Delivers a host of potent anti-aging antioxidants (1,203 mg.)*
They are:
Amla fruit powder (100 mg.)
Whole freeze dried strawberry (250 mg)
Goji berry juice powder (150 mg.)
Vitamin E (143 mg./100 i.u.)
Silymarin standardized extract (60 mg.)
Ginkgo biloba standardized extract (20 mg.)
Green tea catechins standardized extract (20 mg.)
Grape seed standardized OPC extract (20 mg.)
Grape skin extract (20 mg.)
Pomegranate extract, 40% ellagic acid (20 mg.)
Schizandra berry extract, 2% schizandrin (100 mg)
Acerola berry juice powder (200 mg.)
Tomato concentrate, 2% lycopene (100 mg.)
+ All the carotenoids from cereal grass juice powders, algae, and Apricot
Plus uncounted milligrams of polyphenols from green food components and tocotrienols from stabilized rice bran.
6. Help assure skeletal health*
They are:
CALZBONE Cissus quadrangularis extract
Vitamin D3 in alfalfa base
Plant calcium
Green Vibrance – Version 14.1 Supplement Facts